We’re open Sunday 11/30/14 noon -6pm at our Farm!

DSC01604Come on out and see us here! When you arrive at the farm, follow the parking signs to park, just 50 yards or so. Walk 100 yards to the pottery past the llamas, goats and sheep. We have a gallery full of new work to see and buy. I am still taking orders for the holidays and also am happy to take pictures of the colors you want to see and calling you to chat about what you would like. Again, our address is 1118 Borden Rd, Bumpass, VA 23024 Phone is 540-894-3524. Email is devostudio@gmail.com

pictures of the gallery at our open house.

black and red display

black and red display

Upper part of the orange/chartreuse/red and black cupboard.

Upper part of the orange/chartreuse/red and black cupboard.

orange/chartreuse/red and black display

orange/chartreuse/red and black display

Right hand side of sky blue/chartreuse step back cupboard!

Right hand side of sky blue/chartreuse step back cupboard!

Large Pasta bowl in red/yellow $350.00, Persimmon Hand painted under glazed bowl $350.00

Large Pasta bowl in red/yellow, $350.00. Persimmon Hand-painted under-glazed bowl, $350.00

Our sales desk with orange/chartreuse display!

Our sales desk with orange/chartreuse display!

The sky blue and chartreuse cupboard!

The sky blue and chartreuse cupboard!

Seventh Annual Holiday Open House 11/29 &30 Noon -6 each day.


We are at the Holidays once more!

Please come out and see us at the Farm and the gallery 1118 Borden Rd Bumpass,VA 23024. Follow the parking signs once in the driveway and then walk a few hundred feet past the llamas, goats and sheep to enter the pottery and gallery.

Here are some pics I just took of the gallery after Mel arranged after we unloaded them from the van! There’s even one or two of Mel and our loving Daisy! I will have mulled cider and if my energy holds out, there will be cookies!

Canister Styles


Red Canister  12″h x 6″ wide and deep With wavy carved lid. $190.00. Can be ordered in various colors. Email or call for availability.


Orange and Chartreuse Canister 12″h x 7″w x 6″d. $190.00 These can be ordered in various colors and styles. Call for availability.

Drinking Vessels

drinking vessels

Regular coffee mugs! 4.75″ h x 4.5″ w (w/handle) x 3″d. $30.00 each. Call to see what is on hand.

drinking vessel

Wine Cups 4.5′ h x 3.5 wide and deep $30.00.

drinking vessels

Beer steins 6.5″h x 3.5″ w & d.  $45.00 each

drinking vessels

Latte’ cups 4″h x 6″w (including handle) & 5″d. $40.00 each